Makingdollsis a form ofcraftsmanshipthatrequires precisionand craft.If wewant to learnit well,surelywe canmakevarious kinds ofpuppetsare funny-funny. How to make adollis actuallya wide - range. Butthecore remainsin thehandsof skilledsewingmanually.Ifwe are stillin the learning stage, wecan make a dollin a small sizethattypically useFeltas akind ofclothmaterial.Various typesofclothdollswe encounterinmanyFelthairpinaccessories, headbands, etc..Besidesthe material iseasy tobe, we can alsofree to createanydoll makingon a small scale.
Sewing techniques that can be used in the manufacture of flannel or felt to do with a sewing machine or hand. However, more hand stitching used because it is easy and flexible. There are so many types of decorative skewers commonly applied to the flannel / felt , but some simple techniques most commonly used are:
It is the most simple and easy techniques. Usually used to make the shavings or uniting two pieces of fabric that does not shift when sewn. Stitch is not too strong so easily parsed again.
PictureFlannel. Want tolook stylishanddifferent fromotherfriends. Creator's your styleflannelclothdecorated withfunnyt-shirt orbag, or evenplayyourhat.
Aside from being amainmushirts, flannelshirts withfunnypicturescan be used asgiftsorgiftsto friendsor evenfriends.
Patternsthat will be createdimagesflannelflannelcanvary.Rangingfrompictures of animals, to flowers.How to makeornamentflannelt-shirtcan beas easy as makingcraftsfromotherflannel.Originallywehad aflannelpatternthat we want,the imagewill be formedatanyflannelshirts, bagsorhatswhereever we want.That are not easilyseparated, wehad tosewfull.100%sewingby hand.